

You have in front of you a very special issue of RTS. As you are perfectly aware, this year we are commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Official Association of Social Work of Catalonia, a major date that conjures up memories of the inception of this institution that brings us social workers together.

Those of us on today’s Editorial Board thought that the best way to celebrate this would be to dedicate an entire special edition of RTS (issue 225) to highlight a number of articles published over the course of its history. Accordingly, in this issue we are publishing again contributions that have been prominent and symbolic over all these years of the journal’s history: articles that have marked an era owing to their innovative or critical nature; articles that have signalled a change in era or trend of the profession; articles that have been highly significant in our history, meaning that for many reasons it would prove interesting to bring them together in a special issue like this.


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Citation: (2023). Editorial. Revista de Treball Social, 225, 7-8.