Notes about the profession of supervisor

Aragonès Viñes

With this article I make an itinerary for what has been for me the fact of being and acting as supervisor from the social work as autonomous and in the exercise free of the profession in the last 20 years.

The contents collect experience aspects and others, conceptual, technical and methodological character around this practice that I place in three sections: In the first, an analysis of those professional experiences and staff who influenced on this professional option; in the second, to give an account of the reasons that justify the need of spaces of supervision, explaining while him and what the supervision can bring; and finally describing the modalities of supervision I have worked with more, making a special mention to the supervision in institutional contexts, with interdisciplinary teams, and with groups of professionals.

Supervision, permanent formation, professional practice analysis, methodology of the social intervention, subjectivity, complexity, Institution, teamwork, group
Citation: Aragonès Viñes, T. (2023). Notes about the profession of supervisor. Revista de Treball Social, 225, 149-166.
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